Relationship Changes

Report changes in your relationship status within 60 days to avoid possible coverage restrictions.

Relationship Change Automatic Changes
Optional Changes
Healthcare, Dental and EAP Pension   Life Insurance

Report as a Life Event
Your spouse is added to Healthcare, Dental, EAP coverage Your spouse automatically becomes your beneficiary. You may purchase additional Personal or Family Life Insurance without Evidence of Insurability within 60 days of your marriage.
New Common-law Relationship

Report as a Life Event
Your common-law partner is added to Healthcare, Dental, EAP coverage after you have lived together for 12 months. Your common-law partner automatically becomes your beneficiary when they meet the definition of common-law partner under Manitoba’s Pension Benefits Act. You may purchase additional Personal or Family Life Insurance without Evidence of Insurability within 60 days of your date of cohabitation.
Separation or Divorce

Report as a Life Event
Your former spouse or common-law partner is removed from Healthcare, Dental, and EAP coverage. You may name someone else as your Pension Plan beneficiary. You may purchase additional personal or Family Life Insurance without Evidence of Insurability within 60 days of your separation or divorce.
Death of spouse or common-law partner

Please contact us directly so we can assist you personally
 If you have no dependent children, coverage will automatically change to single. You may name a Pension Plan beneficiary. You may purchase additional personal or Family Life Insurance without Evidence of Insurability within 60 days.

Relationship Breakdown

Learn more about how the end of a marriage or common-law relationship can affect your HEB Manitoba pension and other benefits – whether the relationship ends before or after you retire. 

© 2024 HEB Manitoba


Disclaimer - This website provides a basic overview of the Healthcare Employees' Pension Plan (HEPP) and the Healthcare Employees' Benefits Plan (HEBP) (collectively the HEB Manitoba Pension and Benefit Plans). Not all employers participate in all Plans. Please check your eligibility for benefits with your employer.

HEB Manitoba is a name notation registered by the Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan – Manitoba and the Healthcare Employees’ Benefits Plan – Manitoba and under which each of their respective undertakings is carried out.

The information on this website is for convenience of reference only and has no official sanction. View our full disclaimer here.