Relationship Changes
Report changes in your relationship status within 60 days to avoid possible coverage restrictions.
Relationship Change |
Automatic Changes
Optional Changes |
Healthcare, Dental and EAP |
Pension |
Life Insurance |
Report as a Life Event |
Your spouse is added to Healthcare, Dental, EAP coverage |
Your spouse automatically becomes your beneficiary. |
You may purchase additional Personal or Family Life Insurance without Evidence of Insurability within 60 days of your marriage. |
New Common-law Relationship
Report as a Life Event |
Your common-law partner is added to Healthcare, Dental, EAP coverage after you have lived together for 12 months. |
Your common-law partner automatically becomes your beneficiary when they meet the definition of common-law partner under Manitoba’s Pension Benefits Act. |
You may purchase additional Personal or Family Life Insurance without Evidence of Insurability within 60 days of your date of cohabitation.
Separation or Divorce
Report as a Life Event |
Your former spouse or common-law partner is removed from Healthcare, Dental, and EAP coverage. |
You may name someone else as your Pension Plan beneficiary. |
You may purchase additional personal or Family Life Insurance without Evidence of Insurability within 60 days of your separation or divorce. |
Death of spouse or common-law partner
Please contact us directly so we can assist you personally |
If you have no dependent children, coverage will automatically change to single. |
You may name a Pension Plan beneficiary. |
You may purchase additional personal or Family Life Insurance without Evidence of Insurability within 60 days. |
Relationship Breakdown
Learn more about how the end of a marriage or common-law relationship can affect your HEB Manitoba pension and other benefits – whether the relationship ends before or after you retire.