Plan Costs

Not all employers participate in the all of the Plans offered by HEB Manitoba. Rates are subject to change.

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Plan Frequency  Employee Premium/Contribution Employer Premium/Contribution
Pension Plan
effective April 1, 2013 (first full pay period) 

 Each Pay 7.9% of pensionable earnings up to the YMPE* and 9.5% of pensionable earnings in excess of the YMPE. 7.9% of pensionable earnings up to the YMPE* and 9.5% of pensionable earnings in excess of the YMPE.

  *YMPE is the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings. For 2025, the YMPE is $71,300.
COLA Plan  effective April 1, 2015 (first full pay period)
  Each pay 1.0% of pensionable earnings. 1.0% of pensionable earnings.
Life Insurance Plan  effective April 1, 2013 (first full pay period)
Basic Personal* Each pay Nil 8.26 cents per $1,000 of insurance.
Optional Personal* Each pay 8.26 cents per $1,000 of insurance per unit of Optional Insurance. The employee may choose 1, 2, 3 or 4 units. Nil
 *The maximum combined benefit payable for Basic and Optional Personal Life Insurance is $1,000,000.
The total of the employer premium plus the employee premium cannot exceed the maximum premium of $82.60 each pay.
Optional Family Each pay $2.42 per unit (maximum of 10 units) Nil 
Healthcare Plan
effective September 1, 2024 
   Monthly Single Coverage: $21.86

Family Coverage: $54.55
Single Coverage: $21.86

Family Coverage: $54.55
Dental Plan  effective September 1, 2024 
  Monthly Single Coverage: $21.40

Family Coverage: $62.46
Single Coverage: $21.40

Family Coverage: $62.46
Healthcare Spending Account effective June 1, 2019
   Monthly  Nil Claims incurred plus administration fee.
Employee Assistance Plan
 effective July 1, 2023 
  Monthly  Nil $4.10 per employee
Disability & Rehabilitation Plan
effective January 1, 2019 
   Each Pay The total premium paid by employers or employees/employers is 2.2% of eligible earnings.
Retiree Healthcare Plan
effective September 1, 2024 
 Level I  Monthly Single Coverage: $3.91

Family Coverage: $6.87
Not applicable
 Level II  Monthly Single Coverage: $47.23

Family Coverage: $74.66
Not applicable


© 2024 HEB Manitoba


Disclaimer - This website provides a basic overview of the Healthcare Employees' Pension Plan (HEPP) and the Healthcare Employees' Benefits Plan (HEBP) (collectively the HEB Manitoba Pension and Benefit Plans). Not all employers participate in all Plans. Please check your eligibility for benefits with your employer.

HEB Manitoba is a name notation registered by the Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan – Manitoba and the Healthcare Employees’ Benefits Plan – Manitoba and under which each of their respective undertakings is carried out.

The information on this website is for convenience of reference only and has no official sanction. View our full disclaimer here.